Search results: Green Home For Sale information
Articles on Green Home For Sale from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Green Washing And Your Real Estate Carbon Footprint
As an internet platform for green, energy efficient and sustainable homes, we have reviewed some interesting and creative verbiage used by some sellers in the real estate marketplace. In the environmental business we call this " green washing ". Green washing is when someone uses " green " ...
Getting Your Home Ready To Be Put On Sale
You are determined that you are not going to give your hard earned cash to a real estate broker or listings agent ? you are going for the do it yourself approach and have already bought yourself a for sale by owner board. Stop! Don't go any further until you have had the place valued and until it ...
Acreages for Sale in Georgetown Texas
There are many acreages for sale in Georgetown, Texas. Of course, there are sites of varying sizes, so whether you are looking for a small patch to call home, or a vast landscape, chances are you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for. Living in the Georgetown area has a number of ...
Green Houses Gaining Momentum!
It is getting more and more popular to go green, and many Americans are leading the way in their housing choices. One area recently reported that their realty market was stagnant except for a big rush on newly built homes that came up for sale. They were powered by solar heating and were extremely ...
Add Glitz to Your Holiday Staging
Staging a home for sale during the holidays has its challenges. You want to create an atmosphere that say's "Christmas", but not to distract potential buyers from the actual house. Take a look around your home this season, have you decorated with the same garland, red bows and cute little snowmen ...
Washington Real Estate - A Green Paradise
Washington is a state known for its green trees, rain and ocean climates. But its more than that; holding more areas for new growth than many other states in the US. Washington real estate is one of the fastest growing regions on the market because of this, allowing smaller cities to thrive with ...
Curb Appeal - Improve Home Sale Price with Perceived Value
What you see is what you get? Remember those old sing song rhymes we sang as we danced our way to second grade? The fact is, when you sell your home, the appearance offers a perceived value to the buyer and you sell for more cash. With all other factors being alike, if your home is perceived as ...
Top Five Home Improvements to Bring Value Upon Selling a Home
Every home seller wants to get the highest price for the sale of their home but how many really know what to do and what not to do to get the most return for their investment? There are many home improvements that can be done. Which home improvements are proven to bring the highest return and which ...
Color Speaks - What Does Your House Say?
Color. It is part of our everyday life. We have color all around us and every color elicits an emotional and physical response. We are usually not even conscious of our body or mind going through the physiological process, but it happens. For example, in the world of color physiology, red is ...
How You Get Trained To Be A Top Gun Real Estate Investor
My training started 10 years ago, that is when I started my real estate investment career. I was so green and had no clue what I was doing. I bought the Carlton Sheets program and it was good for getting me kick started. If you want to get involved in real estate investing you will need trained. ...